Year-Round Opportunities
Montana Youth Diabetes Alliance needs you! As a volunteer for special events or committee work, you can help support our Type 1 families by bringing fresh ideas to fundraisers, staffing an event, or connecting us with new partners.

The gift of your time can make all the difference.
Join a committee
Assist with set-up and breakdown of our annual events
Help solicit silent auction items
Booth attendants and greeters are needed at various events to help provide information
Committees Currently Open
Camp Registration, Sign in & Sign out: This committee is responsible for forming policy regarding Camp Registration, Camp Sign in, and Camp Sign out, ensuring that the process runs as smoothly as possible.
Camp Activities, Programming & Daily schedule: This committee is responsible for brainstorming and using camper survey responses to develop the day-to-day activity schedule to ensure our campers stay active and entertained.
Camp Staffing: This committee is responsible for brainstorming and developing strategies to increase Volunteer recruitment of quality applicants.
Medical Committee: We are looking to add to our amazing Medical committee which is responsible for developing camp medical policy.
All applicants must be licensed with the minimum of:
Medical Doctor-MD
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse-APRN
Certified Physicians Assistant-PA-C
Registered Nurse-RN
Registered Dietician-RD (With the addition of CDCES)
Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist-CDCES with experience in insulin management.
In addition to these committees, we are searching for a 2nd experienced grant writer to add to our fundraising team.
We are also searching for experienced certified lifeguards for the week of camp; while not lifeguarding, we would like someone willing to be on our busy bee team to help with camp logistics. This is one of the most challenging positions to fill, so if you know someone, please let them know. Knowledge of Type 1 Diabetes is not required.
Committees will meet at a minimum monthly, and frequency may increase the closer to camp we get.
We hold meetings over google meets.
Please get in touch with us; even if these Committees don't tickle your fancy, we can find something!